More maps will be coming if i find the motivation. 28 Civs DLL to use with Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack and Brave New World or Gods+Kings. This mod contain custom files (CivilizationsStartPos.xml and MinorCivStartPos.xml) that only add True Start Locations for the Yet (not) Another Giant Earth Map. do not use the classic set up game option, to get the new advanced setup menu, you must go in custom game, then select 'Yet (not) Another Earth Maps' and click on Load Mod.Various gameplay add-ons that are designed to be used with Yet (not) Another Maps Pack, but most of them can still be used independently. from the mod section, go to single player and then to custom game Add 6 regional maps (no TSL) Large Europe South East Asia Americas Middle East North Atlantic.launch civ5, go to the mod browser and activate the mod.C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS another ), is employed in Scripture, not only in the poetical parts such as Ps.